blissful body: blissful life

Tune in, expand out
an exploratory journey with Yoga and plants,
to reconnect you with your
inner radiance and bliss!
Read on to discover more:
what you will be taught, what you will receive,
is the course for you, how to book
About the course
This course will gift you with the skill of mastering your emotions.
It will provide the space to drop into your body, feeling and acknowledging how you are doing, moment-to-moment.
It is an invitation to explore your physical and energetic body through movement and meditation practices, which are designed to support you in reconnecting with your inner radiance, whatever life brings.
Your body is the most amazing toolkit you have!
With you every moment of this precious life, your body and your breath can be harnessed to provide you with access to bliss, in your day-to-day life.
How can my body bring me bliss?
“It hurts” … “I don’t like this, this and that about it” … “it doesn’t’ do what I want it to” … “I feel disappointed with or disconnected from my body!!”
Any of those sound familiar? I hear you!
I’ve had all those narratives passing through, during sickness and in health!
What I’ve learnt is that this is a part of being human.
Emotions and their associated feelings will come, and they will usually go.
And that’s just it, most feelings are only passing through…if you let them!
Have you ever noticed how tiring it can feel carrying the weight of a heavy emotional load?
Well, the thing is: regardless of what is actually happening in life (‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘ugly’, and everything in between), your FEELINGS around it and how you respond to (or with) those feelings, is where your SUPERPOWER dwells.
Your body is a remarkable vehicle for helping you to move the energy of your emotions, so that they do not get stuck, stagnate, or create excess tension, but can become a powerhouse for transformation.
In this course you will learn to fine-tune your awareness of the subtle (and not so subtle!) messages from your body when emotions are running through, and how to channel that energy.
You will be guided through practices which support you in calibrating the functions of your autonomic nervous system, so that you can gracefully flex from your natural resting state of relaxation, into action, and back again.
Leaving you feeling restful and at peace (in ‘bliss’) when you are not required to take action, yet ready for anything life brings.
The impact of this course will likely be that you will notice reduced feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, improvements in your mood, health, energy levels, overall feeling of wellbeing, relationships, work, and quality of life.
Your life will be more blissful!
Love notes from previous course participants…
“Thank you Helen. I have learned so much from you. Your courses are incredibly well researched and delivered in such a professional way. The take-aways have been life changing for me as I have found ways to bring in more of the breath and incorporate herbs in to my daily life. Thank you again."
-Course Participant (2023)
"A really well thought out and informative course. A calm haven to escape to in this busy world. I really enjoyed it. Thank you Helen xx"
-Course Participant (2023)
What you will be taught
The course will be delivered through the framework of the Yoga chakra energy system and their associated emotional centres in your body.
From the roots up, you will explore the cultivation of your strong foundation. You will learn about the energy exchange here, between you and mother earth, from where you can transform.
This course will equip you with movement and meditation practices to help you learn:
How to drop into the moment to be with your body (however it is), and to notice emotions as they pass by
​ ​​
How to restore healthy balance in your nervous system
How to recognise where emotions show up and how they impact your physical and subtle body
How to work with the energy of your emotions to channel it in the directions that you would like it to go​
How to set clear positive intentions
You will discover herbs which can help you to connect with the energy of each of the 7 chakras, and support the balance of your autonomic nervous system. You will learn:​​
​​About the medicinal properties​​ of the plants and their health benefits
About the energetic qualities of the plants, and how these characteristics​​ can interact with you​
How to cultivate trust in your intuition through your relationship with the plants​
What you will receive
A more colourful life! And...
7 x 90-minute live sessions which include:
Guided Yoga asana practices: focused sequences each week to develop your awareness of how to observe and move energy through your physical body, aligned with the energetics and emotions of the chakras.
Guided pranayama energy breathing practices to reestablish and support healthy nervous system balance and create reconnection with your inner vital energy.
Guided meditation practices based on the chakra energy system and energetics of emotions.
Guided chakra body meditation to connect your physical being with the energetics of each chakra and allow you to harness their transformative power.​
Overview of theoretical principles:
Plant wisdom: discover the medicinal properties and energetic characteristics of 14 medicinal herbs, and how to work with them intuitively.
Chakra visualisation: Introduction to visualisation techniques and energetics of emotions associated with each chakra.
Q & A
Yoga Nidra audio recording cultivated especially for the course group (Yoga Nidra known as ‘yogic sleep’ is a form of guided relaxation)
Live session recordings available on playback for 4 weeks
Weekly play-sheets with self-reflection questions and playful exercises to explore at your pleasure
Theory of the chakras:
Key emotions linked to six of the main energy centres (when in and out of balance)
Visual components for each chakra
Mantras associated with each chakra
Chakra body meditation audio recordings (7 in total) – sent weekly after each session
Community connection through course group chat
What are you waiting for?
When will the course take place
2025 dates
Session 1: the root
Wednesday 5th March 18:30 – 20:00 (GMT)
(19:30 - 21:00 CET/Europe | 10:30 - 12:00 PST/Cal)
Session 2: your own abode
Wednesday 12th March 18:30 – 20:00 (GMT)
(19:30 - 21:00 CET/Europe | 11:30 - 13:00 PDT/Cal)​
Session 3: city of jewels
Wednesday 19th March 18:30 – 20:00 (GMT)
(19:30 - 21:00 CET/Europe | 11:30 - 13:00 PDT/Cal)​​
Session 4: divine love centre
Wednesday 26th March 18:30 – 20:00 (GMT)
(19:30 - 21:00 CET/Europe | 11:30 - 13:00 PDT/Cal)​
Session 5: blissful nectar
Wednesday 2nd April 18:30 – 20:00 (BST)
(19:30 - 21:00 CET/Europe | 11:30 - 13:00 PDT/Cal)​​
Session 6: commanding your consciousness
Wednesday 9th April 18:30 – 20:00 (BST)
(19:30 - 21:00 CET/Europe | 11:30 - 13:00 PDT/Cal)​​
Session 7: celebration of integration!
Wednesday 16th April 18:30 – 20:00 (BST)
(19:30 - 21:00 CET/Europe | 11:30 - 13:00 PDT/Cal)​​​​​​​

About Your Course Host
I am Helen of HB Healthy, the purpose of which is to empower healthy vibrant living.
I grew up with a strong connection to nature, and recognised the healing benefits this connection gifted me (and continues to). This remains the foundation of what I share.
It is no wonder then that I went on to study herbal medicine and other natural therapies.
I worked as a medical herbalist for 10+ years in clinics in the UK. During this time, I observed a disconnect that many people had between themselves and their health (including in myself!), often feeling disempowered or overrun by health issues, life and its circumstances.
It became my passion to empower people with knowledge and skills to improve their own health and wellbeing, rather than just ‘prescribing’ herbal medicines.
As a result of this I began teaching herbal medicine courses and workshops.
Since 2016 I have taught herbal medicine in a variety of settings, including on degree-level herbal courses, for charities, community centres, on organic farms, retreat venues, and in online courses.
I love sharing herbal wisdom and nature connection with people. I love witnessing the sense of awe and wonder this creates as people realise what they are part of, this incredible nature!
Since 2005 I have had a committed Yoga practice, which has been positively life changing in ways beyond words. In 2017 I began teaching Yoga, and as well as standard teacher training have studied courses in Yoga philosophy and psychology, and Yoga therapy.
Yoga practices and herbal medicine wisdom are artfully woven together into courses.
In a non-dogmatic manner, Yoga provides a simple invitation to foster connection with your inner nature, and through this to connect with the wider nature.
This is what I call soul medicine.
You can attend the course from anywhere in the world
(if you cannot make the live sessions you can catch up with the recordings).
Although I love to see you at the lives, many past participants have completed the entire course on catch up, so it's completely fine if you need to do that too.
Is the course for you?
Do you feel emotions strongly?
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed, anxious, or tired-out by the weight of your emotions?
Do you want to learn how to harness the power of your emotions?
Would you like better health, to feel more energised, and an improved quality of life?
Are you ready to reconnect with your inner radiance and natural state of bliss?
Answer YES to any of these?
Then this course is FOR YOU!
Who is this course not for?
This course is not for you if you are not ready to do the work.
It may also not be for you if you are experiencing troubling mental health symptoms which require professional support.
Working with emotions in the way provided on this course can be a powerful practice and requires a stable base to build from.
If you have any doubts about whether this course is for you contact me to ask your questions.
Love notes from previous course participants…
​​"This course was jam packed with content. If you are lucky enough to have the time to commit to this, I strongly recommend you do so because it will improve your quality of life, provide balance and fortify your relationship with nature."
-Course Participant (2023)
Investment and How to Book
(usual price £222)
For a more blissful life...