Which Yoga Mat?
Do you feel that it’s minefield of information out there when trying to decide which Yoga mat to get? I do! Even as a Yoga teacher, and...

Yoga and Perspective...
In the UK midday means the exact time 12 noon. In India midday means a general time from 12 noon-ish to hours after that. In the UK...

The Story Behind the Name...
The Birth of 'HB Healthy' HB Healthy is the business name which has been slowly emerging over recent years, and this year with the...

Yoga for Beginners New Course Starting June 2017
Following on from the last blog post, I am delighted to share that the first Yoga course will be offered in Exeter starting this June. ...

Yoga Unfolding
A personal story of Yoga unfolding, and how this has led to a peaceful path of sharing.