Lovely Links
The journey of improving health and wellbeing is a very personal process, and there may be various ways to achieve this, depending upon each individual's requirements. I often refer clients to other practitioners if I feel that they may be able to provide further tools and expertise in supporting someone to progress along their journey to better health and wellbeing. It is said that 'sharing is caring' and so here are some links to options mostly local to Exeter, and a few further afield, for various therapeutic disciplines (including other therapies, bodywork & massage, and Yoga).
All detailed below I have worked with or know personally either as colleagues, clients, teachers, friends, (or all of the above!) and would whole-heartedly recommend them as practitioners. This page is a work-in-progress but hopefully you can explore and find something new and interesting!
Other Therapies
Lisa Roberts www.exeteracupuncture.co.uk/our-team/lisa-roberts
Jennie Dallas www.chinesemedicineclinic.net
The People's Acupuncture Project is the only exception here who I don't know personally but love the principle that they offer low-cost acupuncture in multi-bed clinic making it available to a wider audience https://peoplesacupunctureproject.com
Herbal Medicine
Dolly Garton dollygartonwellbeing.co.uk
Roberta Hutchins https://www.bewelldevon.co.uk/herbal-medicine
Simon Mills http://www.sustainablehealthcentre.com/simon-mills
Nutritional Therapy
Lesley Harper www.lesleyharper.co.uk
Chris Bury www.exeterosteopaths.net
Rosie Russell https://www.health-house.co.uk/osteopaths
Freya Grainger https://estuaryclinic.co.uk/freya-grainger/
Hannah Hulin https://devonyoga.com/holistic-therapies/
Bodywork & Massage
Thai Yoga Massage
Cicely Chan https://www.cicelys.yoga/thai-massage
Emma Cayless www.thepracticerooms.co.uk/therapist/emma-cayless
Neville Cregan (Totnes) https://www.nevyogamassage.co.uk/thai-massage
Other Bodywork
Duncan Hulin Shiatsu www.devonyoga.com/holistic-therapies
Lydia Kaye Clinical Aromatherapy www.botanicandremedy.co.uk
Isobel Ravden Sports Remedial Massage / Myofacial Release https://estuaryclinic.co.uk/isobel-ravden/
Classes & Studios
Exeter Loves Yoga a great resource with lots of information on classes, teachers and workshops in the Exeter area: www.exeterlovesyoga.co.uk
Derek The Dog Yoga Studio in Exeter city centre on Queen's Walk just off Queen Street: www.derekthedog.co.uk
Lotus Loft in Exeter city centre at Southernhay West just off Princesshay shopping centre: www.lotus-loft.co.uk
Yoga Torquay a lovely studio in central Torquay offering some great workshops: https://www.yogatorquay.co.uk/
Teachers in and around Exeter
Alice Chapman - www.alicechapman.co.uk
Andrea Durant - www.exeterlovesyoga.co.uk/Andrea-Durant.html
Cicely Chan - https://www.cicelys.yoga/yoga
Duncan Hulin - www.devonyoga.com/about-our-school/our-teachers
James Russell - www.jamesrussellyoga.co.uk
Jax Veysey - www.lotus-loft.co.uk/biographies.html
Jules Yount - www.exeterlovesyoga.co.uk/Jules-Yount.html
Nikki Darling - www.nikkidarling.co.uk
Poornam McKeown - http://poornamyoga.com
Simon Moore - www.devonyoga.com/about-our-school/our-teachers
Tania Fox - https://www.tirosefox.com/weekly-yoga-classes
Teachers further afield / worldwide
Billy Doyle - www.billydoyle.com
Claire Brejcha - www.clairebrejchayoga.co.uk
David Barreto - http://davidbarretoyoga.com
Petros Haffenrichter - http://pax108.com/petros-yoga
Steven de Wilde - www.cirkeloflife.be