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Herb Courses

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Love notes from previous course participants…

"The course offered all that I had hoped it would. It has been wonderful to be given the confidence to find ways of using herbs for health. With your teachings I have developed a real appreciation for herbs and a way of connecting with them using gratitude and instinct. Thank you Helen!”


-Course Participant


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About Your Course Host

I am Helen of HB Healthy, the purpose of which is to empower healthy vibrant living.


I grew up with a strong connection to nature, and recognised the healing benefits this connection gifted me (and continues to).  This remains the foundation of what I share.


It is no wonder then that I went on to study herbal medicine and other natural therapies.


I worked as a medical herbalist for 10+ years in clinics in the UK.  During this time, I observed a disconnect that many people had between themselves and their health (including in myself!), often feeling disempowered or overrun by health issues, life and its circumstances.


It became my passion to empower people with knowledge and skills to improve their own health and wellbeing, rather than just ‘prescribing’ herbal medicines.


As a result of this I began teaching herbal medicine courses and workshops.


Since 2016 I have taught herbal medicine in a variety of settings, including to students on degree-level herbal education, for charities, in community centres, on organic farms, retreat venues, and online courses and workshops.


I love sharing herbal wisdom and nature connection with people.  I love witnessing the sense of awe and wonder this creates as people realise what they are part of, this incredible nature!


Since 2005 I have had a committed Yoga practice, which has been positively life changing in ways beyond words.  In 2017 I began teaching Yoga, and as well as standard teacher training have studied courses in Yoga philosophy and psychology, and Yoga therapy.


Elements of these Yoga practices are woven into herbal medicine courses.


In a non-dogmatic manner, they provide a simple invitation to foster connection with your inner nature, and through this to connect with the wider nature.


This is what I call soul medicine.


Spring Clean

Online Herb & Yoga Course

(and so much more!)


When: Sunday 13th April 2025



Spring is a time of expansion and growth

We only need look to nature to see evidence of this! 


Read on to discover more:

about the course,

what you will be taught, what you will receive,

how to book



About the course


This workshop provides a moment to reset, a clear-out for the body and soul after the heaviness of winter.


Nature is brimming with activity during the spring season, expanding its energies towards fresh growth as it prepares to blossom and bloom.


It's natural that you feel ready to start moving your body in spring too.


Do you feel the desire to shift the residues of stagnant energy from the winter, so that you can begin your own expansion?


If you have heard of spring cleaning your house (the home of your body), then know that spring cleaning your body and mind (the home of your soul) is just as important!


Would you like to feel light, bright, expansive, and energised, just as nature intended?


Then this workshop is definitely for you.


Spring is the perfect time to give our body's natural cleansing processes a little gentle encouragement, and nature is ready to give a helping hand.


Plants which actually support your body in its day-to-day detoxification processes are found in abundance during the spring.


This workshop will explore tools, techniques, and seasonal plants which support you in cleaning out, to cultivate feeling clearer-headed, lighter, and fresh as a spring daisy!


What you will be taught


  • How to work with meditation, breathing, cleansing and movement practices to support you in moving stagnant or heavy energy from the winter.


  • Discover the qualities, characteristics, and actions of herbs which assist the natural detoxification processes of the body.


  • Learn how to bring these plants to your daily life to support you in 'cleaning out'.



What you will receive


  • LIVE online meeting: The live meeting will take place on 13th April 2025 via zoom.


  • Session Recording: the recording of the live meeting will be available to all registered participants for one month after the live session.


  • Course materials: following the meeting you will be sent a PDF document containing slides with details of the herbs and foods discussed during the workshop


  • Exclusive discount on 1:1 sessions: you will receive a discount on 1:1 online wellness sessions (one-off) and 12-week Yoga & Wellness programme (May 2025 intake).



When will the course take place


Sunday 13th April 2025

9.00am – 11.30am (BST / UK)

10.00am – 12.30pm (CET / central Europe)



If you cannot make the live session you can catch up with the recording.


Investment and How to Book





(early bird until 20 March)












(usual price)​​​


NB: The course is available to participants worldwide.

It is recommended for those in spring season.


Book Course
About the course
What you will be taught
What you will receive
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